Peer-reviewed Publications
Attila and Attila4MC Usage
This subsection lists peer-reviewed publications that describe calculations
performed with the use of Attila4MC® and/or Attila®. The verification, validation
and use of Attila and/or Attila4MC is the primary topic of some, but not all,
of these publications; every single publication in this subsection does present
at least some results from Attila and/or Attila4MC.
- A. Carter, A. Johnson, M. Wart, R. Kennedy, “Efficient and Accurate Neutronics Simulation for Nuclear Fusion Devices: A CAD-Based Approach,” Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 129, 1, 280-283 (2023). URL
- M. Saitta, A. Saltos, R. Kennedy, “Deterministic Neutronic Analysis of a Deep Shield with Penetrations,” Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 129, 1, 288-291 (2023). URL
- A. Saltos, A. Cooper, D. Napolitano, “Benchmark of the FNS Skyshine Experiment Using the Attila Deterministic Solver,” Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 129, 1, 292-295 (2023). URL
- L. Zavorka, K. Ghoos, I. Remec, A. Cooper, G. Failla, “Advancing the MCNP Unstructured Mesh Calculations at ORNL’s Second Target Station,” Proc. Radiation Protection and Shielding Division 2024, Orlando, FL, USA, November 17-21, 2024. URL
- I. Miner, I. Song, A. Saltos, R. Kennedy, “Optimization of SPARC Vacuum Spectroscopy Shielding Design Using Cottonwood Adjoints,” 26 th Technology of Fusion Energy Meeting, Madison, WI, USA, July 21-25, 2024.
- I. Miner, A. Sawyer, M. Wart, R. Kennedy, “Assessment of Shutdown Dose Rates from SPARC Diagnostic Ports During Maintenance and Casking Activities,” 26th Technology of Fusion Energy Meeting, Madison, WI, USA, July 21-25, 2024.
- E. Dubas, A. Cooper, A. Saltos, R. Kennedy, R. Gocht, P. Raj, I. Holmes, “Use of Deterministic Methods to Evaluate Detector Response Behind Deep Shielding Penetrations,” 26th Technology of Fusion Energy Meeting, Madison, WI, USA, July 21-25, 2024.
- A. Johnson, H. Boyd, R. Kennedy, “Verification of Design Support Neutronics Workflow,” 26th Technology of Fusion Energy Meeting, Madison, WI, USA, July 21-25, 2024.
- J. Jones, R. Gocht, A. Saltos, K. Saltzgiver, R. Kennedy, “Leveraging Adjoint and Forward Neutron Transport Solutions and Information to Identify Source Regions with High Importance,” 26th Technology of Fusion Energy Meeting, Madison, WI, USA, July 21-25, 2024.
- L. Zavorka, K. Ghoos, J. Tipton, I. Remec, “Automating the Coupled Neutronics-Structural Stress Optimization at ORNL’s Second Target Station,” 2024 International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Applications of Accelerators, Norfolk, VA, USA, March 17-24, 2024.
- L. ZAVORKA, K. GHOOS, J. RISNER and I. REMEC, “An Unstructured Mesh Based Neutronics Optimization Workflow,” Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 1052, 168252 (2023); doi:10.1016/j.nima.2023.168252
- K. GHOOS, T. MCCLANAHAN, L. ZAVORKA and I. REMEC, “Activation Analysis in Preparation for a Tungsten Irradiation Experiment at LANSCE,” Proc. ICRS/RPSD, Seattle, WA, USA, September 25–29, 2022; URL
- A. IBRAHIM, T. MCCLANAHAN and I. REMEC, “Decay Dose Shielding Analysis with Hybrid Unstructured Mesh/Constructive Solid Geometry Monte Carlo Calculation and ADVANTG Acceleration,” Proc. ICRS/RPSD, Seattle, WA, USA, September 25–29, 2022; URL
- C. ROSE, C. PALMER and M. SHAVER, “Comparison of Attila Transport Code with MCNP in the Analysis of Small Modular Reactor Shielding,” Proc. ICRS/RPSD, Seattle, WA, USA, September 25–29, 2022; URL
- J. W. BAE, E. PETERSON and J. SHIMWELL, “ARC Reactor Neutronics Multi-Code Validation,” Nuclear Fusion, 62, 6, 066016 (2022); doi:10.1088/1741-4326/ac5450
- A. SIRCAR, J. W. BAE, E. PETERSON, J. SOLBERG and V. BADALASSI, “FERMI: A Multi-Physics Simulation Environment for Fusion Reactor Blanket, Proc. NURETH, Brussels, Belgium, March 6–11, 2022; URL
Also published as a Third-party Technical Report (see #4 above).
- A. SIRCAR, J. W. BAE, V. BADALASSI and E. PETERSON, “Multi-Physics Simulations for Fusion Reactor Blankets,” Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 125, 1, 238–242 (2021); doi:10.13182/T125-37079
- L. ZAVORKA and I. REMEC, “Neutron Dose Rate Calculation with the MCNP6 Hybrid Geometry Model of the Second Target Station,” Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 124, 1, 680–683 (2021); doi:10.13182/T124-36275
- J. BROGAN, E. SOSNOVSKY and J. KULESZA, “Comparison of CADIS Implementations in Attila4MC and ADVANTG,” Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 123, 1, 1185–1188 (2020); doi:10.13182/T123-33332
- M. MANGAN and G. FAILLA, “Modeling Neutron Transport for MagLIF Experiments at the Z Facility Using Attila and MCNP,” Proc. APS DPP Annual Mtg., Virtual, November 9–13, 2020; doi:10.2172/1829239
Also published as a Third-party Technical Report (see #10 above).
- N. H. WHITMAN and J. S. HADER, “Attila and MCNP6.2 Validation with the JASPER-IHX Benchmark for Sodium-Cooled Fast Reactor Shielding Applications,” Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 121, 1, 1267–1270 (2019); doi:10.13182/T31226
- W. WANG, A. ZOLFAGHARI, H. NEILSON, J. KLABACHA, A. KHODAK, A. BASILE, M. SMITH and Y. ZHAI, “Thermal Loads and Cooling Design for ITER in-Port Low Field Side Reflectometer Diagnostic System,” Fusion Engineering and Design, 146, Part A, 1295–1299 (2019); doi:10.1016/j.fusengdes.2019.02.062
- J. L. ALWIN, J. B. SPENCER and G. FAILLA, “Criticality Accident Alarm System Analysis Using MCNP6.2 Constructive Solid Geometry/Unstructured Mesh Hybrid,” Proc. ICNC, Paris, France, September 15–20, 2019.
Also published as a Third-party Technical Report (see #18 above).
- M. LOVECKÝ, J. ZÁVORKA and J. VIMPEL, “VVER-1000 Fuel Assembly Model in CAD-based Unstructured Mesh for MCNP6,” Kerntechnik, 84, 4, 262–266 (2019); doi:10.3139/124.190041
- P. KANTH and P. V. SUBHASH, “ACTYS-ASG, Tool for Coupling ACTYS-1-GO with ATTILA,” Fusion Engineering and Design, 129, 196–201 (2018); doi:10.1016/j.fusengdes.2018.02.092
- E. CASTANIER, L. PATERNE and C. LOUIS, “Acceleration of MCNP Calculations for Small Pipes Configurations by Using Weight Windows Importance Cards Created by the SN-3D ATTILA,” European Physical Journal Web of Conferences, 153, 06031 (2017); doi: 10.1051/epjconf/201715306031
- J. A. KULESZA and R. L. MARTZ, “Evaluation of Pulsed Sphere Time-of-Flight and Neutron Attenuation Experimental Benchmarks Using MCNP6’s Unstructured Mesh Capabilities,” Nuclear Technology, 195, 1, 44–54 (2016); doi:10.13182/NT15-121
- J. A. KULESZA and R. L. MARTZ, “Evaluation of the Kobayashi Analytical Benchmark Using MCNP6’s Unstructured Mesh Capabilities,” Nuclear Technology, 195, 1, 55–70 (2016); doi:10.13182/NT15-122
- E. SOMASUNDARAM and T. S. PALMER, “Analysis of the LIFT Variance-Reduction Method Applied to Monte Carlo Radiation Transport Simulations of a Realistic Nonproliferation Test Problem,” Nuclear Technology, 193, 3, 391–403 (2016); doi:10.13182/NT15-43
- S. BÖEHLKE and M. MIELISCH, “Optimization of the Shielding of a Canister Loading Machine with the Deterministic Code Attila,” Proc. RPSD, Knoxville, TN, USA, September 14–18, 2014.
- E. CASTANIER and D. KEROUANTON, “Evaluating the Gamma Dose Rate for the Liquid Waste Treatment Facility in Fukushima Site with Attila Radiation Transport Code,” Progress in Nuclear Science and Technology, 4, 1–4 (2014); doi:10.15669/pnst.4.1
- V. OLČOVCOVÁ, R. HALEY, L. MACFARLANE, B. RUS and M. GRIFFITHS, "Bulk Shielding for Laser Research Centre ELI Beamlines," Progress in Nuclear Science and Technology, 4, 247–251 (2014); doi:10.15669/pnst.4.247
- I. M. DAVIS and R. L. MARTZ, “On the Benefits of Mesh Partnerships: Attila – MCNP6 Integration,” Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 109, 1, 720–723 (2013); URL
- P. V. SUBHASH, R. FEDER, S. JAKHAR, S. THOMAS and D. AGGARWAL, “ITER Related Neutronics Calculations with ATTILA Computer Code,” Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 109, 1, 1149–1150 (2013); URL
- R. FEDER, M. YOUSSEF and J. KLABACHA, “The Status of USITER Diagnostic Port Plug Neutronics Analysis Using Attila,” Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 109, 1, 1159–1162 (2013); URL
- M. YOUSSEF, R. FEDER, P. BATISTONI, U. FISCHER, S. JAKHAR, C. KONNO, M. LOUGHLIN, R. VILLARI and Y. WU, “Benchmarking of the 3-D CAD-based Discrete Ordinates Code ‘ATTILA’ for Dose Rate Calculations Against Experiments and Monte Carlo Calculations,” Fusion Engineering and Design, 88, 11, 3033–3040 (2013); doi:10.1016/j.fusengdes.2013.07.010
- M. Z. YOUSSEF and R. FEDER, “Summary of the Up-to-Date 3-D Nuclear Analyses of ITER Diagnostics Generic Equatorial Port Plug (GEPP) Performed with the Attila Design Code,” Fusion Science and Technology, 64, 3, 571–581 (2013); doi:10.13182/FST64-571
- T. PREETI and R. RULKO, “Quasi-Heterogeneous Efficient 3-D Discrete Ordinates CANDU Calculations Using ATTILA,” Proc. PHYSOR, Knoxville, TN, USA, April 15–20, 2012.
- M. Z. YOUSSEF, R. FEDER, M. DAGHER, A. AOYAMA and M. DUCO, “Neutronics Analysis of the Divertor Interferometer Diagnostics Inside the Lower Port #8 Plug of ITER with ATTILA 3-D CAD-based FEM Code,” Fusion Science and Technology, 60, 2, 730–737 (2011); doi:10.13182/FST11-A12472
- A. T. AOYAMA, M. DAGHER, R. FEDER, M. DUCO and M. YOUSSEF, “Development of ALITE Model for Use in ATTILA Radiation Transport Finite Element Analysis of the ITER Lower Divertor Region,” Fusion Science and Technology, 60, 2, 830–834 (2011); doi:10.13182/FST11-A12489
- A. M. IBRAHIM, S. W. MOSHER, T. M. EVANS, D. E. PEPLOW, M. S. SAWAN, P. P. H. WILSON, J. C. WAGNER and T. HELTEMES, “ITER Neutronics Modeling Using Hybrid Monte Carlo/Deterministic and CAD-based Monte Carlo Methods,” Nuclear Technology, 175, 1, 251–258 (2011); doi:10.13182/NT175-251
- C. KONNO, S. SATO, K. OCHIAI, M. WADA, S. OHNISHI, K. TAKAKURA and H. IIDA, “Attila Validation with Fusion Benchmark Experiments at JAEA/FNS,” Nuclear Technology, 168, 3, 743–746 (2009); doi:10.13182/NT09-A9299
- A. M. CASELLA, C. J. GESH and L. E. SMITH, “Use of Detector Response Functions and Deterministic Flux Calculations in Count Rate Predictions,” Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 101, 1, 631–632 (2009); URL
- C. T. KELSEY IV and A. K. PRINJA, “Coupled Multigroup Proton/Neutron Cross Sections for Deterministic Transport,” Nuclear Technology, 168, 2, 257–263 (2009); doi:10.13182/NT09-A9191
- M. Z. YOUSSEF, R. FEDER, K. THOMPSON, I. DAVIS and G. FAILLA, “Benchmarking the Three-Dimensional CAD-Based Discrete Ordinates Code ‘ATTILA’ Using Integral Dose-Rate Experiments and Comparison to MCNP Results,” Fusion Science and Technology, 56, 2, 718–725 (2009); doi:10.13182/FST09-A8993
- R. PAMPIN, M. J. LOUGHLIN and M. J. WALSH, “Radiation Transport Analyses for Design Optimisation of the ITER Core LIDAR Diagnostic,” Fusion Science and Technology, 56, 2, 751–755 (2009); doi:10.13182/FST56-751
- R. E. FEDER and M. Z. YOUSSEF, “ITER Generic Diagnostic Upper Port Plug Nuclear Heating and Personnel Dose Rate Assessment Neutronics Analysis using the ATTILA Discrete Ordinates Code,” Proc. SOFE, San Diego, CA, USA, June 1–5, 2009; doi:10.1109/FUSION.2009.5226490
Also published as a Third-party Technical Report (see #33 above).
- W. ARTER and M. J. LOUGHLIN, “Radiation Transport Analyses for IFMIF Design by the Attila Software Using a Monte Carlo Source Model,” Fusion Engineering and Design, 84, 1, 89–96 (2009); doi:10.1016/j.fusengdes.2008.11.051
- M. Z. YOUSSEF, R. FEDER and I. M. DAVIS, “Neutronics Analysis of the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) MCNP ‘Benchmark CAD Model’ with the ATTILA Discrete Ordinates Code,” Fusion Engineering and Design, 83, 10–12, 1661–1668 (2008); doi:10.1016/j.fusengdes.2008.05.040
- P. P. H. WILSON, R. FEDER, U. FISCHER, M. LOUGHLIN, L. PETRIZZI, Y. WU and M. YOUSSEF, “State-of-the-art 3-D Radiation Transport Methods for Fusion Energy Systems,” Fusion Engineering and Design, 83, 7–9, 824–833 (2008); doi:10.1016/j.fusengdes.2008.05.038
- L. E. SMITH, C. J. GESH, R. T. PAGH, E. A. MILLER, M. W. SHAVER, E. D. ASHBAKER, M. T. BATDORF, J. E. ELLIS, W. R. KAYE, R. J. MCCONN, G. H. MERIWETHER, J. J. RESSLER, A. B. VALSAN and T. A. WAREING, “Coupling Deterministic and Monte Carlo Transport Methods for the Simulation of Gamma Ray Spectroscopy Scenarios,” IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 55, 5, 2598–2606 (2008); doi:10.1109/TNS.2008.2002819
- M. Z. YOUSSEF, P. BATISTONI, L. PATRIZZI, T. WAREING and I. M. DAVIS, “Comparing the Prediction of ‘Attila’ Code to the Experimental Data of Fusion Integral Experiments and to the Results of MCNP Code,” Fusion Science and Technology, 52, 4, 801–806 (2007); doi:10.13182/FST07-A1589
- R. FEDER, M. YOUSSEF, I. DAVIS, G. FAILLA and T. WAREING, “ITER Neutronics Analysis for the Design of Diagnostics and Port Plugs Using ATTILA Discrete Ordinates Software,” Proc. SOFE, Albuquerque, NM, USA, June 17–21, 2007; doi:10.1109/FUSION.2007.4337859
- M. Z. YOUSSEF, “Benchmarking the CAD-based ATTILA Discrete Ordinates Code with Experimental Data of Fusion Experiments and to the Results of MCNP Code in Simulating ITER,” Proc. ICENES, Istanbul, Turkey, June 3–8, 2007.
- T. WAREING, J. MCGHEE, A. BARNETT, G. FAILLA and I. DAVIS, “Capabilities of Attila for Radiation Protection and Shielding,” Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 95, 1, 659–660 (2006); URL
- L. E. SMITH, C. J. GESH, R. T. PAGH, R. J. MCCONN, J. E. ELLIS, W. R. KAYE, G. H. MERIWETHER, E. MILLER, M. W. SHAVER, J. R. STARNER, A. B. VALSAN and T. A. WAREING, “Deterministic Transport Methods for the Simulation of Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy Scenarios,” Proc. NSS/MIC, San Diego, CA, USA, October 29–November 1, 2006; doi:10.1109/NSSMIC.2006.356224
- D. S. LUCAS, A. LAPORTA and D. A. HOUNSHEL, “Attila Modeling with Comparisons to Data, MCNP, and MCNPX for the Advanced Test Reactor (ATR),” Proc. ICAPP, Reno, NV, USA, June 4–8, 2006.
- M. J. LOUGHLIN, T. WAREING, A. BARNETT, G. FAILLA and J. MCGHEE, “Comparison of Attila and MCNP for Fusion Applications,” Proc. M&C, Avignon, France, September 12–17, 2005.
- D. S. LUCAS, H. D. GOUGAR, T. WAREING, G. FAILLA, J. MCGHEE, D. A. BARNETT and I. DAVIS, “Comparison of the 3-D Deterministic Neutron Transport Code Attila to Measured Data, MCNP and MCNPX for the Advanced Test Reactor,” Proc. M&C, Avignon, France, September 12–17, 2005.
Also published as a Third-party Technical Report (see #34 above).
- J. A. GALBRAITH and L. E. GREENWADE, “Visualization of a Deterministic Radiation Transport Model Using Standard Visualization Tools,” Proc. CUG, Knoxville, TN, USA, May 17–21, 2004; URL
- J. S. WARSA, M. BENZI, T. A. WAREING and J. E. MOREL, “Preconditioning a Mixed Discontinuous Finite Element Method for Radiation Diffusion,” Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications, 11, 8–9, 795–811 (2004); doi:10.1002/nla.347
- H. D. GOUGAR, D. S. LUCAS, P. A. ROTH, T. WAREING, G. FAILLA and J. MCGHEE, “Investigating the Use of 3-D Deterministic Transport for Core Safety Analysis,” Proc. PHYSOR, Chicago, IL, USA, April 25–29, 2004.
Also published as a Third-party Technical Report (see #36 above).
- J. S. WARSA, T. A. WAREING and J. E. MOREL, “Krylov Iterative Methods and the Degraded Effectiveness of Diffusion Synthetic Acceleration for Multidimensional SN Calculations in Problems with Material Discontinuities,” Nuclear Science and Engineering, 147, 3, 218–248 (2004); doi:10.13182/NSE02-14
- J. S. WARSA, T. A. WAREING, J. E. MOREL, J. M. MCGHEE and R. B. LEHOUCQ, “Krylov Subspace Iterations for Deterministic k-Eigenvalue Calculations,” Nuclear Science and Engineering, 147, 1, 26–42 (2004); doi:10.13182/NSE04-1
- D. S. LUCAS, H. D. GOUGAR, P. A. ROTH, T. WAREING, G. FAILLA, J. MCGHEE and A. BARNETT, “Applications of the 3-D Deterministic Transport Attila for Core Safety Analysis,” Proc. ANES, Miami Beach, FL, USA, October 3–6, 2004.
Also published as a Third-party Technical Report (see #35 above).
- R. C. SINGLETERRY JR., B. D. JOHNS, K. Y. FAN, F. M. CHEATWOOD, G. D. QUALLS, T. A. WAREING, J. MCGHEE, S. PAUTZ, A. K. PRINJA, F. GLEICHER, G. FAILLA, J. SOBIESZCZANSKI-SOBIESKI and J. W. WILSON, “Development of Collaborative Engineering Environments for Spacecraft Design,” AIP Conference Proceedings, 654, 1, 907–916 (2003); doi:10.1063/1.1541384
- J. S. WARSA, M. BENZI, T. A. WAREING and J. E. MOREL, “Two-level Preconditioning of a Discontinuous Galerkin Method for Radiation Diffusion,” Numerical Mathematics and Advanced Applications, 967–977 (2003); doi:10.1007/978-88-470-2089-4_88
- J. S. WARSA, T. A. WAREING and J. E. MOREL, “Fully Consistent Diffusion Synthetic Acceleration of Linear Discontinuous SN Transport Discretizations on Unstructured Tetrahedral Meshes,” Nuclear Science and Engineering, 141, 3, 236–251 (2002); doi:10.13182/NSE141-236
- J. S. WARSA, T. A. WAREING and J. E. MOREL, “On the Degraded Effectiveness of Diffusion Synthetic Acceleration for Multidimensional SN Calculations in the Presence of Material Discontinuities,” Proc. M&C, Gatlinburg, TN, USA, April 6–11, 2003.
Also published as a Third-party Technical Report (see #37 above).
- J. S. WARSA, T. A. WAREING and J. E. MOREL, “Krylov Iterative Methods Applied to Multidimensional SN Calculations in the Presence of Material Discontinuities,” Proc. M&C, Gatlinburg, TN, USA, April 6–11, 2003.
Also published as a Third-party Technical Report (see #38 above).
- T. A. WAREING and J. M. MCGHEE, “Pericles and Attila Results for the C5G7 MOX Benchmark Problems,” Proc. PHYSOR, Seoul, South Korea, October 7–10, 2002.
Also published as a Third-party Technical Report (see #39 above).
- T. A. WAREING, J. E. MOREL and D. K. PARSONS, “A First Collision Source Method for ATTILA, an Unstructured Tetrahedral Mesh Discrete Ordinates Code,” Proc. ANS RPSD Topical Meeting, Nashville, TN, USA, April 19–23, 1998.
Also published as a Third-party Technical Report (see #40 above).
- T. A. WAREING, D. K. PARSONS and S. PAUTZ, “A Reactor Pressure Vessel Dosimetry Calculation Using ATTILA, an Unstructured Tetrahedral Mesh Discrete Ordinates Code,” Proc. M&C+SNA, Saratoga Springs, NY, USA, October 5–9, 1997.
Also published as a Third-party Technical Report (see #41 above).
- T. A. WAREING, J. M. MCGHEE and J. E. MOREL, “ATTILA: A Three-Dimensional, Unstructured Tetrahedral Mesh Discrete Ordinates Transport Code,” Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 75, 146–147 (1996).
Third-Party Technical Reports
This subsection lists technical reports primarily concerned with the topic of radiation
transport on unstructured mesh. It is partly, but not exclusively, a selection of reports
from the MCNP® Reference Collection page. These reports tend to be longer and more detailed
than the peer-reviewed publications in the following section, but unlike those publications,
these reports do not generally undergo independent peer review.
- E. R. OLIVAS, B. SINGH, M. J. MOCKO, L. ZAVORKA, C. G. MIERA, P. K. LANCE, T. R. VERONICA and K. A. WOLOSHUN, “Numerical Analysis and Flow Induced Vibration Studies in Pressurized Helium Gas Cooling Channels,” LA-UR-23-20607, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM, USA (2023); doi:10.2172/1922005
- J. ALWIN, “Critical Benchmarks Modeled with MCNP Unstructured Mesh,” LA-UR-22-30840, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM, USA (2022).
- K. GHOOS and I. REMEC, “Neutronics Analysis in Preparation of the Blue Room Experiment,” ORNL/TM-2022/2558, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN, USA (2022); doi:10.2172/1885293
- A. SIRCAR, J. W. BAE, E. PETERSON, J. SOLBERG and V. BADALASSI, “FERMI: A Multi-Physics Simulation Environment for Fusion Reactor Blanket,” LLNL-CONF-833369, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, USA (2022); URL
Also published as a Peer-reviewed Publication (see #6 below).
- M. J. MARCATH, D. R. MAYO, J. B. SPENCER, T. C. MCCLANAHAN and L. D. HETRICK, “Evaluation of Attila and MCNP Computational Methods for Dose and Exposure Estimation,” LA-UR-21-29289, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM, USA (2021); doi:10.2172/1821360
- M. J. MARCATH, T. C. MCCLANAHAN, D. R. MAYO, J. B. SPENCER and K. L. KLAIN, “Silicon-Equivalent Neutron Dose Estimators,” LA-UR-21-29220, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM, USA (2021); doi:10.2172/1821355
- J. L. ALWIN and J. B. SPENCER, “Utilizing Unstructured Mesh Geometry in Criticality Calculations and Criticality Accident Alarm System Analysis,” LA-UR-21-25913, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM, USA (2021); doi:10.2172/1897972
- J. A. KULESZA, J. C. ARMSTRONG, C. J. JOSEY, S. SWAMINARAYAN, J. L. ALWIN, T. C. MCCLANAHAN, J. B. SPENCER, J. T. GOORLEY, K. C. KELLEY, P. S. KHALSA and G. A. FAILLA, “MCNP Unstructured Mesh Visualization & Post-processing Techniques,” LA-UR-21-26365, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM, USA (2021); URL
- M. MANGAN, A. HARVEY-THOMPSON, P. KNAPP, W. LEWIS, G. COOPER, G. WHITLOW and G. FAILLA, “Modeling Neutron Transport for MagLIF Experiments at the Z-Facility Using Attila and MCNP,” SAND2021-8031C, Sandia National Laboratory, Albuquerque, NM, USA (2021); doi:10.2172/1876618
- M. MANGAN and G. FAILLA, “Modeling Neutron Transport for MagLIF Experiments at the Z Facility Using Attila and MCNP,” SAND2020-11905C, Sandia National Laboratory, Albuquerque, NM, USA (2020); doi:10.2172/1829239
Also published as a Peer-reviewed Publication (see #10 below).
- A. HIGGINS, “Development of a Fast Spectrum Test Loop at the Advanced Test Reactor,” INL/MIS-20-57070-Revision-0, Idaho National Laboratory, Idaho Falls, ID, USA (2020); doi:10.2172/1596101
Also published as a Thesis or Dissertation (see #5 below).
- T. C. MCCLANAHAN, “Study of Neutron-Induced Stable and Radioactive Nuclides in a Post Detonation Urban Environment,” LA-UR-19-30924, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM, USA (2019); doi:10.2172/1572315
- J. L. ALWIN and J. B. SPENCER, “Critical Experiment Benchmark Results Using MCNP6.2 Unstructured Mesh,” LA-UR-19-29093, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM, USA (2019); doi:10.2172/1565798
- M. E. KELLY, “Comparison of MCNP Variance Reduction Techniques for Linear Accelerators,” LA-UR-19-28496, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM, USA (2019); doi:10.2172/1558942
- J. L. ALWIN, J. B. SPENCER and G. FAILLA, “Criticality Accident Alarm System (CAAS) CSG-UM Hybrid Example,” LA-UR-19-27007, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM, USA (2019); doi:10.2172/1544654
- J. L. ALWIN and J. B. SPENCER, “Critical Experiment Benchmark Results Using UM and Mesh Quality Recommendations,” LA-UR-19-26393, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM, USA (2019); doi:10.2172/1532696
- J. B. SPENCER and J. L. ALWIN, “Big Ten MCNP6 Unstructured Mesh Benchmark,” LA-UR-19-25731, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM, USA (2019); doi:10.2172/1529515
- J. L. ALWIN, J. B. SPENCER and G. FAILLA, “Criticality Accident Alarm System Analysis Using MCNP6.2 Constructive Solid Geometry/Unstructured Mesh Hybrid,” LA-UR-19-24892, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM, USA (2019); URL
Also published as a Peer-reviewed Publication (see #13 below).
- R. L. MARTZ, “The MCNP6 Book on Unstructured Mesh Geometry: User’s Guide for MCNP 6.2.1,” LA-UR-18-27630, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM, USA (2018); doi:10.2172/1467189
- J. B. SPENCER, R. L. MARTZ and J. L. ALWIN, “Introduction to the MCNP6 Unstructured Mesh Geometry Capability,” LA-UR-18-24230, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM, USA (2018); doi:10.2172/1438161
- R. L. MARTZ and J. A. KULESZA, “Verification and Validation of Unstructured Mesh Tracking in the MCNP Code Version 6.2,” LA-UR-17-22660, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM, USA (2017); URL
- R. L. MARTZ, “Verification of the Multi-Mesh Capability for MCNP6’s Unstructured Mesh Feature,” LA-UR-16-23111, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM, USA (2016); URL
- R. L. MARTZ, “Flux Multiplier Capability for MCNP6’s Unstructured Mesh Feature,” LA-UR-16-22004, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM, USA (2016); URL
- K. ZIEB, R. L. MARTZ, “Evaluation of a Tentative Contiguous Mesh Particle Tracking Capability and Update of MCNP6 Performance Benchmarks with MCNP6’s Unstructured Mesh,” LA-UR-15-27000, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM, USA (2015); URL
- R. L. MARTZ, “The MCNP6 Book on Unstructured Mesh Geometry: Foundations,” LA-UR-12-25478 Rev. 1, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM, USA (2014); URL
- M. W. SHAVER, A. M. CASELLA, R. S. WITTMAN, B. S. MCDONALD, “Radiation Detection Computational Benchmark Scenarios,” PNNL-22794, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA, USA (2013); doi:10.2172/1096696
- T. P. BURKE, B. C. KIEDROWSKI, R. L. MARTZ and W. R. MARTIN, “Reactor Physics Verification of the MCNP6 Unstructured Mesh Capability,” LA-UR-12-24277, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM, USA (2012); URL
Also published as a Peer-reviewed Publication (see #66 below).
- T. P. BURKE, R. L. MARTZ, B. C. KIEDROWSKI and W. R. MARTIN, “Verification of Unstructured Mesh Capabilities in MCNP6 for Reactor Physics Problems,” LA-UR-12-24260, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM, USA (2012); doi:10.2172/1049351
- M. W. SHAVER, E. A. MILLER, R. S. WITTMAN and B. S. MCDONALD, “Transport Test Problems for Hybrid Methods Development,” PNNL-21026, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA, USA (2011); doi:10.2172/1035747
- D. A. GONZALEZ and G. R. SCHRAMM, “An Evaluation of the Attila Transport Code as a Tool for Use by the Los Alamos National Laboratory Radiological Engineering Group,” LA-UR-1102219, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM, USA (2011); URL
- M. W. SHAVER, “Radiation Detection Scenario Analysis Toolbox (RADSAT) Test Case Implementation Final Report,” PNNL-19795, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA, USA (2010); doi:10.2172/1015285
- K. A. BURNS, “Coupled Multi-Group Neutron Photon Transport for the Simulation of High-Resolution Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy Applications,” PNNL-18531, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA, USA (2009); doi:10.2172/1023211
Also published as a Thesis or Dissertation (see #10 below).
- R. E. FEDER and M. Z. YOUSSEF, “ITER Generic Diagnostic Upper Port Plug Nuclear Heating and Personnel Dose Rate Assessment,” PPPL-4451, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, Princeton, NJ, USA (2009); doi: 10.2172/953485
Also published as a Peer-reviewed Publication (see #37 below).
- D. S. LUCAS, H. D. GOUGAR, T. WAREING, G. FAILLA, J. MCGHEE, D. A. BARNETT and I. DAVIS, “Comparison of the 3-D Deterministic Neutron Transport Code Attila to Measured Data, MCNP and MCNPX for the Advanced Test Reactor,” INL/CON-05-00662, Idaho National Laboratory, Idaho Falls, ID, USA (2005).
Also published as a Peer-reviewed Publication (see #49 below).
- D. S. LUCAS, H. D. GOUGAR, P. A. ROTH, T. WAREING, G. FAILLA, J. MCGHEE and A. BARNETT, “Applications of the 3-D Deterministic Transport Attila for Core Safety Analysis,” INEEL/CON-04/02354, Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory, Idaho Falls, ID, USA (2004).
Also published as a Peer-reviewed Publication (see #55 below).
- H. D. GOUGAR, D. S. LUCAS and P. A. ROTH, “Investigating the Use of 3-D Deterministic Transport for Core Safety Analysis,” INEEL/CON-04-1628, Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory, Idaho Falls, USA (2004); URL
Also published as a Peer-reviewed Publication (see #52 below).
- J. S. WARSA, T. A. WAREING and J. E. MOREL, “On the Degraded Effectiveness of Diffusion Synthetic Acceleration for Multidimensional SN Calculations in the Presence of Material Discontinuities,” LA-UR-02-6667, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM, USA (2003).
Also published as a Peer-reviewed Publication (see #59 below).
- J. S. WARSA, T. A. WAREING and J. E. MOREL, “Krylov Iterative Methods Applied to Multidimensional SN Calculations in the Presence of Material Discontinuities,” LA-UR-02-6668, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM, USA (2003).
Also published as a Peer-reviewed Publication (see #60 below).
- T. A. WAREING and J. M. MCGHEE, “Pericles and Attila Results for the C5G7 MOX Benchmark Problems,” LA-UR-02-0102, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM, USA (2002).
Also published as a Peer-reviewed Publication (see #61 below).
- T. A. WAREING, J. E. MOREL and D. K. PARSONS, “A First Collision Source Method for ATTILA, an Unstructured Tetrahedral Mesh Discrete Ordinates Code,” LA-UR-98-1373, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM, USA (1998).
Also published as a Peer-reviewed Publication (see #62 below).
- T. A. WAREING, D. K. PARSONS and S. PAUTZ, “A Reactor Pressure Vessel Dosimetry Calculation Using ATTILA, an Unstructured Tetrahedral Mesh Discrete Ordinates Code,” LA-UR-97-2268, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM, USA (1997).
Also published as a Peer-reviewed Publication (see #63 below).
Radiation Transport on Unstructured Mesh
This subsection lists peer-reviewed publications about the general topic
of radiation transport (primarily Monte Carlo) simulations on unstructured
meshes. These publications do not present any results from Attila or Attila4MC,
but may be of interest to engineers more familiar with radiation transport on
Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG).
- R. L. MARTZ and K. M. MARSHALL, “A Notable Comparison of Computational Geometries in MCNP6 Calculations,” Nuclear Technology, 184, 2, 239–248 (2013); doi:10.13182/NT13-A22319
- T. P. BURKE, B. C. KIEDROWSKI, R. L. MARTZ and W. R. MARTIN, “Reactor Physics Verification of the MCNP6 Unstructured Mesh Capability,” Proc. M&C, Sun Valley, ID, USA, May 5–9, 2013.
Also published as a Third-party Technical Report (see #27 above).
- T. A. WAREING, J. M. MCGHEE, J. E. MOREL and S. D. PAUTZ, “Discontinuous Finite Element SN Methods on Three-Dimensional Unstructured Grids,” Nuclear Science and Engineering, 138, 3, 256–268 (2001); doi:10.13182/NSE138-256
Theses and Dissertations
This subsection lists Masters and Doctoral theses and dissertations,
primarily in the field of nuclear engineering, that used Attila4MC and
Attila as part of the research they describe. These texts are typically
fairly detailed, but like the Third-party Technical Reports, generally
do not undergo independent peer review.
- A. R. PARKER, “Characteristics of Gamma Radiation Fields in Subterranean Structures for Radiation Protection and Decision Making,” Masters Thesis, Colorado State University, Department of Environmental and Radiological Health Sciences (2022); doi:10217/235650
- C. ROSE, “Comparison of Attila SN Particle Transport Code with MCNP in the Analysis of Small Modular Reactor Shielding,” Masters Thesis, Oregon State University, School of Nuclear Science and Engineering (August 2020); URL
- B. C. LILLEY, “Neutronic Analysis of a Liquid Metal Fast Breeder Reactor Experiment in the Large-I Position of the Advanced Test Reactor,” Masters Thesis, Oregon State University, School of Nuclear Science and Engineering (May 2020); URL
- T. C. MCCLANAHAN, “Study of the Production of Isotopes in an Urban Nuclear Post-Detonation Environment,” Doctoral Dissertation, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Department of Nuclear Engineering (May 2020); URL
- A. HIGGINS, “Development of a Fast Spectrum Test Loop at the Advanced Test Reactor,” Masters Thesis, Oregon State University, School of Nuclear Science and Engineering (December 2019); URL
Also published as a Third-party Technical Report (see #11 above).
- G. P. ROULEAU, “Transport Code Simulations for Shielded Special Nuclear Material Discrimination,” Masters Thesis, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (December 2019); URL
- R. NES, “Solution of the 2D Quasi-Diffusion Low-Order Equations Using a Coupled Nodal/Finite Volume Discretization in Cartesian and Hexagonal Geometry,” Doctoral Dissertation, Oregon State University, Department of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Health Physics (October 2013); URL
- A. M. BEVILL, “Performance of Hybrid Methods for Representative Nonproliferation Problems,” Masters Thesis, Oregon State University, Department of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Health Physics (May 2011); URL
- A. DAVIS, “Radiation Shielding of Fusion Systems,” Doctoral Dissertation, University of Birmingham, School of Physics and Astronomy (April 2010); URL
- K. A. BURNS, “Coupled Multi-Group Neutron Photon Transport for the Simulation of High-Resolution Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy Applications,” Doctoral Dissertation, Georgia Institute of Technology, Department of Nuclear and Radiological Engineering (August 2009); doi:1853/29737
Also published as a Third-party Technical Report (see #32 above).
- S. T. KELLER, “Modeling the Oregon State University TRIGA Reactor Using the Attila Three-Dimensional Deterministic Transport Code,” Masters Thesis, Oregon State University, School of Nuclear Science and Engineering (January 2007); URL