AT006 – LA-UR-90-3951 Photon Skyshine Benchmark

Attila®-Attila4MC® Code-to-Code Test Problem Introduction Calculations were performed with both the deterministic Attila solver and MCNP® using Attila4MC (referred to herein as Attila4MC) simulating a benchmark calculation from the LA-UR-90-3951 report “Monte Carlo Photon Benchmark Problems” [1]. A 60Co skyshine experiment was reproduced by placing an isotropic point source in an air hemisphere and collimating […]

AT005 – Bulk Shielding and Scatter through a Labyrinth with 60Co Gamma Source

Attila-Attila4MC Code-to-Code Test Problem Introduction Shielding calculations were performed with both the deterministic Attila solver and MCNP® using Attila4MC (referred to herein as Attila4MC) simulating an isotropic 60Co gamma point source located at one end of a U-shaped labyrinth lined by iron walls on the outside. Point detector results were generated at the opposite end […]

AT004 – Bulk Shielding Calculation with 16N Gamma Source

Attila-Attila4MC Code-to-Code Test Problem Introduction Shielding calculations were performed with both the deterministic Attila solver and MCNP® using Attila4MC (referred to herein as Attila4MC) FW-CADIS variance reduction simulating a 16N gamma source uniformly distributed in a water medium surrounded by a steel tank. A 5 cm thick steel wall is located between the source and […]

AT102 – 252Cf in a Concrete Maze

Attila-Attila4MC Code-to-Code Test Problem Introduction Calculations were performed with both the deterministic Attila solver and MCNP® using Attila4MC (referred to herein as Attila4MC) CADIS variance reduction simulating one experimental configuration from “Shielding of Radiation Fields Generated by 252Cf in a Concrete Maze, Part I – Experiment” [1]. The 252Cf source (8.1E+10 neutrons s-1) was placed […]

Subcritical Spent Nuclear Fuel Canister with Primary Neutron and Gamma Sources

Attila-Attila4MC Code-to-Code Test Problem Introduction Mock spent nuclear fuel canister calculations were performed with both the deterministic Attila solver and MCNP® using Attila4MC (referred to herein as Attila4MC). The canister contained representative subcritical neutron and gamma sources simulating spent nuclear fuel. Fission was accounted for in the subcritical assembly, and secondary gamma sources calculated from […]

Gamma Source Streaming through a Joggle

Streaming calculations were performed with both the deterministic Attila solver and MCNP® using Attila4MC (referred to herein as Attila4MC) FW-CADIS variance reduction simulating a cylindrical gamma volume source surrounded by an iron shell behind a concrete wall with an offset penetration shaped similar to those implemented at the Waste Treatment & Immobilization Plant Project (WTP), […]